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Cyberplat has released a new version of their software for CyberFT network participants, Terminal CyberFT 3.1.5.

In yet another version that was released as part of the scheduled software transition to the modular architecture there is an expanded software functionality, enriched list of options, and some improvements in response to the wishes of users for previous software versions.

According to the company experts, the most significant solutions in the new version are “Request sale/purchase of currency” and “Extended statement”, as well as printing of the source documents using 1C module of CyberFT. These options were among the most requested among legal entities working in CyberFT network.

Terminal CyberFT 3.1.5 now enables you to download SWIFT codes in a format that will work with the Central Bank of Russia and SWIFT Alliance, and allows you to check SWIFT code values in all MT-messages.

MT-documents now enables you to fill the Banking Priority tag when creating forms of payment documents, while ISO documents now support an 8-character code of the sender. 

In the settings of the new software version you can choose digital signature of the controller either manually or automatically.

Aside from the new features described above, Cyberplat experts have optimized interface of the Terminal CyberFT 3.1.5 taking into account requests of the CyberFT community.

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