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«Cyberplat» has decided to open the original source code of the CyberFT IT platform.

As a rule every company has accounts in multiple banks, but when it comes to major companies or entire holdings number of accounts can reach dozens. This, in turn, leads to companies being forced to serve multiple online banking systems simultaneously, which brings about many issues:

  • Support of different software.
  • Forced installation and maintenance of a host of PCs – oftentimes online banking systems provided by different banks are incompatible with each other at the same work station; that is why companies are forced a separate computer for each system.
  • Use of different exchange formats and the problem of its integration with systems of the customer (1C, SAP, Axapta, Navision, etc.). Nearly every bank has its own import / export formats within online banking system. Even the conventional 1C format of bank order in rubles varies from institution to institution.
  • Support of a host of cryptographic protection of information. Besides being forced to use a lot of key carriers, like eToken (at least 2 per bank) and various cryptographic libraries, customers are also forced to bear in mind timely prolongation of the key certificates. Expiration of key certificates results in inability to manage your account remotely, which in turn leads to financial losses.

These problems lead to extra HR expenditure, due to the need to administer and maintain online banking systems provided by different banks, as well as hardware and software. Moreover, functionality of systems such as online banking oftentimes doesn’t allow you to organize a full-fledged cooperation with the bank.

Introduction of Corporation Settlement Center or Financial Control Center systems doesn’t make things better either, due to the lack of universal mechanism of work with multiple banks.

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Direct integration of the customer’s accounting system with the bank (Host-to-Host) doesn’t eliminate the issue completely, either, because each bank offers its customer their own data exchange channel, as well as certain formats and cryptographic information protection facilities.

CyberFT tackles all of the issues above, cutting financial costs and time expenditure of your company related to RBS due to abandoning the online banking system, and due to using the single CyberFT terminal, which allows you to:

  • Establish a single secure channel for interaction with all settlement banks.
  • Use uniform formats of data exchange with various banks.
  • Easily integrate with accounting systems at the customer’s end in a variety of ways.
  • Use single cryptographic information protection facilities while working with multiple banks.
  • Get extra options of RBS, which aren’t available while working via the conventional online banking systems.
  • Use signature keys (enhanced encrypted and certified digital signature) issued by the accredited certification authority


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