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Cyberplatsoft has been licensed for development, production and distribution of encryption (cryptographic) facilities, along with information and telecom systems protected by the encryption facilities mentioned above. This license covers work and services provided in the field of information encryption and maintenance of the systems that use cryptographic facilities. The license is provided by the FSB Center for Licensing, Certification and State Secret Protection with no expiration date.

Running information protection facilities in Russia requires licenses in accordance with the Federal Law No. 99-FZ dated May 4, 2011 ‘On licensing of specific businesses’. Licenses are issued by the FSB Center for Licensing, Certification and State Secret Protection or local security authorities and are regulated by the regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 313 dated April 16, 2012. By successfully completing every procedure and receiving a lifetime license once again proves that Cyberplatsoft meets the strictest requirements in terms of qualified staff, products certificates, accounting systems and information storage systems.

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