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Cyberplat expands support for a strategically important development within the framework of import substitution — the Russian digital platform CyberFT, which surpasses SWIFT in all basic functionalities

Cyberplat plans to expand support for the CyberFT multifunctional IT platform, which is strategically important within the framework of the state policy of import substitution. This unique digital platform is Cyberplat’s own development and completely surpasses SWIFT in all major functionalities.

In the spring of 2014, Cyberplat, having assessed the high sanctions risks for the entire financial market, was the first in Russia to launch such a service. During the period of tougher international sanctions and the threat of disconnection from SWIFT, the CyberFT platform contributed to the preservation of the stability and operability of the banking infrastructure and the entire financial system of Russia.

Cyberplat immediately offered the CyberFT platform to the regulator, realizing its importance for maintaining the reliability of interbank information interaction with the threat of a collapse of the entire financial system of the country due to a possible disconnection from SWIFT. However, the Bank of Russia, after a six-month study of numerous well-reasoned Cyberplat proposals in correspondence with the leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and with its divisions, in discussions at meetings of joint working groups, abandoned an inexpensive license to use a ready-made digital solution as an alternative to SWIFT. Instead of the cost-effective and convenient CyberFT platform, the Bank of Russia launched its own service from scratch — the Financial Messaging System (SPFS).

The developers of the service, according to some experts, copied from Cyberplat the ideas, methods and business processes describing the creation of the CyberFT platform and the further operation of the entire infrastructure for exchanging payment and other financial messages. But in the end, SPFS did not manage to realize the key advantages of the CyberFT platform: high economic efficiency, a multiple reserve of productivity and the function of its rapid increase, simple scaling of the service, the possibility of expanding the CyberFT functionality and a number of other important advantages.

In addition, oddly enough, the development of SPFS — a service with much limited functionality in comparison with CyberFT — became super-expensive for the design of such solutions: it required much more significant budgetary funds and took much longer. And the final product, due to the meager set of functions, did not interest Russian banks, therefore, an administrative resource was used to force them to connect to the SPFS service.

Despite the fact that the service developers copied the basic principle of the CyberFT platform — adaptive infrastructure to create a unified information exchange environment, and used the Cyberplat methodology during implementation, the SPFS service still remains unfinished. And it still lags far behind CyberFT in a number of ways.

Federal officials confirm the significant functional limitations of the SPFS. They say that Russia still cannot completely replace SWIFT, the threat of disconnection from SWIFT persists, and «... the work (on the analogue of SWIFT) will continue for a very long time, and there is no such goal to finish it as soon as possible.»

CyberFT platform was developed by Cyberplat company in a short time. Cyberplat, using 15 years of innovative experience in creating multifunctional electronic services and relying on the needs of the banking community and large holding companies, offered market participants the necessary and truly convenient and effective service.

CyberFT platform provides prompt, confidential, protected from unauthorized access information exchange for banks, holding companies, government organizations, companies and other market participants. All operations are carried out in full compliance with domestic legislation and are absolutely protected from foreign policy threats. Completely Russian development CyberFT is included in the «Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases» of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The software is supported, among other things, by workstations «Tavolga Terminal» based on domestic processors «Baikal-T1» and computing platform «Elbrus».

For 7 years, the platform has become one of the key solutions for protecting critical information in internal and external corporate and interbank communications. The number of CyberFT users among large corporate clients operating in the international market is steadily growing. They are attracted to the Russian IT platform by the absence of restrictions for users, as in the SPFS of the Bank of Russia, and much more functionality than in SWIFT. The key difference between the CyberFT platform and SWIFT is the use of new modern principles of information transfer, which ensure a very high network reliability and security.

The CyberFT system has no restrictions on the number of providers, payment information is stored only in the country of payment in encrypted form and there is practically no limit on the volume of transferred unstructured documents (up to 400 MB). The CyberFT platform is developed on the basis of free software, therefore it has a high license independence.

CyberFT users are in great demand for a service for exchanging currency control documents, which SWIFT does not have: certificates of currency transactions, applications for registering a contract, information on currency transactions and other documents.

In the context of the priority of the digital transformation of the economy, the strengthening of its financial infrastructure, the accelerated development of highly competitive domestic IT solutions, such as CyberFT, becomes strategically important from the standpoint of the country’s economic sovereignty.

Unlike SWIFT, the CyberFT platform implements secure internal information exchange of various types of documents in accordance with the international standard for financial messages ISO 20022 and supports a universal host-to-host — a single window settlement system with several servicing banks. The platform provides integration directly from users’ ERP systems, setting up automatic signing of outgoing documents, as well as the ability to implement new formats within existing message categories.

In the near future, the CyberFT functionality will be supplemented with new digital software solutions to optimize the costs of treasuries when organizing the exchange of financial data and legally significant electronic documents.

The CyberFT platform is completing the implementation of a fully automated information exchange service between holding companies and credit institutions. CyberFT network participants will be able to choose the best way to integrate communications between corporate accounting systems and banks’ core banking systems, including integration via the API protocol.

Cyberplat continues to develop on the IT platform a line of individual design solutions and custom services for the comprehensive digitalization of information exchange between holding structures and banks.

The active integration of import-substituting technologies into the communications infrastructure shows that the use of domestic software has become a priority for Russian companies and banks. Practical interest in the development of Cyberplat, which has outstripped digital projects implemented by the state, and the global international information service SWIFT is growing steadily.

The intellectual and technological potential of the CyberFT platform makes it possible to bring modern services to the market in the shortest possible time, taking into account the requirements of the users of the software product. In the segment of digital solutions for corporate and interbank communications, the CyberFT platform, thanks to its flexible and innovative approach, has been and remains one of the most demanded.


Date of publication Name Link to publication
13.12.2018 CyberPlat® made it possible for the CyberFT platform (analogue of SWIFT) to operate not only on the American Oracle, but also on the Russian Postgres Pro
30.03.2017 CyberFT is listed in the Russian software register
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30.01.2015 International Television and Broadcasting Company MIR. Russia Without SWIFT: Will That Cripple the Banks?
04.09.2014 A.Yu. Gribov: "Russia needs its own financial highways"
27.03.2014 CyberPlat® Offers a SWIFT-Standard Solution

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